Monday, February 4, 2008

Ban foie gras, trans fat, and now........FAT PEOPLE!!

This isn't a restaurant "review" per se but it does have to do with eating out so I felt I needed to post.

For all of you thought the councilmen in New York and Chicago were nuts for banning trans fat and foie gras respectively, Mississippi is looking to take it a step further. They want to pass a bill that would make it illegal to serve obese people. And since 66.7% of Mississippi residents are either overweight or obese, all the restaurants would go out of business. And how do they differentiate between overweight and obese? Will they weigh each person that comes in?

It never ceases to amaze me that we elect these people to public office so that they can waste their time and the public's tax dollars putting together idiotic bills. And it's not just ONE crazy congressman!!!

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